Last week, the class was learning -in words. One of the assignments was to write 6 words that are in the -in family. So, he and I put our heads together and considered what words might work. He discovered shin. I asked him to sound it out, so he did the "sh, sh, sh" sound and I shook my head - and he said "s and h". I told him that was correct and the elation he had on his face was fantastic! We did -ing words last night - and he was steaming ahead with king, ping, spring, and he needed minimal help.
It is so amazing when your kids start doing things that are major jumps in skill. What do you remember about learning to read? I remember learning the letter people -- specifically the letter T with Mr. T. (Do you remember the choppers on that guy?!?!) But I am pretty sure we were doing that in kindergarten - just learning which letters were which. I vaguely remember putting letters together to get their combined sounds -- and eventually sounding out words, but I am pretty sure that came later. I don't remember the context well enough to teach Ben these concepts myself -- and haven't quite gotten around to learning how different kids learn how to read.
But he seems to be way ahead of me! He is sounding out words, discovering what secret words his father and I are spelling, and enjoying getting in the game to spell a word so we don't upset Charlotte about something (like whether or not he can watch an A-V-A-T-A-R). As a sidenote, Drew and I are scrambling for another super secret methodology to communicate and make decision when kids are in the room and we don't want them involved in the should we go to the playground, should we stop for ice cream, etc.... Share if you have ideas!!!
So what do the experts say that you should do to help your kids with reading: as often as you can, encourage them to read things they are interested in, you should show them how reading helps you in your world - recipes, street signs, etc...., and that you should share how much you love to read. We have exposed him to Sesame Street and Between the Lions which also has great games, songs and ways to introduce kids to reading. Yet, still -- somehow, I am surprised that he is here already.
Is it just me? That I continue to be surprised at where my kids are in their learning? I seem to notice every other beat or they head in a direction I hadn't anticipated. For example, when Charlotte was able to walk, I guessed that she would move to running next. NO! She chose to start scaling things! With Ben and reading, I expected to do hard and soft sounds of letters -- but he is already on to combined letter sounds. So, in my timeline he has skipped a step I was anticipating.
I think this is relevant because I think we see the major changes in life -- not the little movements that add up to change. And I think we sometimes forget that our kids are independent little beings that are driven by curiosity and will propel themselves in ways that we might not anticipate. Even if I was on top of my kids 24/7, I still think they would subtly shift and I would be surprised. So, I revel in stepping back. Watching them. Helping when I am asked...and maybe showing them something they hadn't seen as they are steaming ahead in their own direction, or maybe seeing an interest of theirs develop and finding a way to gain them access so they might explore it more thoroughly.
In these photos, he is drawing a picture in his journal of his sister, he and I going to the zoo. (I love the concentration tongue action!!!)