Friday, May 8, 2009


Charlotte: Mom. I can't decide what pets I want when I grow up.

Mom: That's okay Charlotte. You have a little while.


Charlotte: Okay. I've decided. I would like three pets: a dog, a fish and a duck.

Ben: Charlotte, you can't have a duck as a pet.

Charlotte: Why not?

Ben: Because they like to swim.

Charlotte: I will give him a pail of water.

Ben: He is going to want to swim around and get some exercise.

Charlotte: He can carry the pail and walk around.

Ben: A pail isn't big enough.

Charlotte: Well.....maybe I will just buy a house that has a pond.

Ben: Do you know what I would do if I had a duck? Pause..... I would pluck his feathers off. Skin him. Roast him. And Eat him.

Charlotte: BENNY! Don't eat my duck!!!!

Mom: Charlotte, when you grow up. If you go on NOT leave your duck in Ben's care.

1 comment:

Laura Stiles said...

This is soooo funny!!!