Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sunday Morning Light

For my birthday, Drew gave me a photography class. I have weekly assignments that are pushing me to look at what my camera can do. Explore the light. Set up the composition. It has been a lot of fun -- and the kids, my primary subject matter, have been incredibly patient and perky models. These photos are from day two trying to get a certain picture. This weeks assignment was aperature - controling the amount of light let into the lense. These are a few of my favorites.

From Sunday Morning

From Sunday Morning

From Sunday Morning

From Sunday Morning

From Sunday Morning

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

From Superheroes

The kids got a superhero kit for Christmas that is made by Klutz. It's great! They had a selection of masks, arm bands, stickers and a beautiful red cape to craft their super hero identity. Charlotte wore her cape for days. Ben made a complete transformation in personality as soon as his costume was complete. It was amazing! Here are some of the pictures.
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From Superheroes

We also watched the movie Sky High -- which was fun. The kids totally loved watching the teenagers explore their superhero powers. Ben immediately related to the young girl who was able to manipulate nature as her power -- and Charlotte liked the brooding, rough teenage boy who was able to throw fire. Predictions for our future son and daughter-in-laws?!?!?!

Christmas 2007

As many of you know, my Christmas present was a new Nikon D80 digital camera. I had so much fun with it over the holidays and captured some great images that I wanted to share with you.

Charlotte now owns...I don't know - 50 horses?!?! She couldn't be happier. She is excited about her large animal vetinary center that we will be opening soon, and is also enjoying her My Pony book and all of her race cars!

Ben has a hard time deciding which dragon he is going to sleep with at night, has constructed several miraculous Kugelbahn creations and has made beautiful forest fairies.

Both of the kids also enjoyed the Superhero kits we gave them -- and immediately created their alter-egos. Ben was Eagle Boy and Charlotte was Rocket Girl. Charlotte continues to wear her red cape around the house often. She insisted on having it on to eat dinner in front of the tv the other night. Too funny!

Thanks to all of you for your remarkably generous gifts. The kids had a wonderful time visiting with everyone and we are already starting to hear the "I miss" mantra that we are so familiar in our home.