Monday, May 21, 2007


We took a family vacation to Baltimore in early April. I haven't blogged since it must have been more impactful in my overall exhaustion than I realized!

Reflecting on the weekend, Drew and I were entering it exhausted from two weeks of his being in extremely intense Dallas - thereby, I was extremely exhausted from two weeks of single parenting. We were a match made in heaven. Charlotte was diagnosed with an ear infection the morning we left for our trip (only symptom was light ear tugging) -- but we figured she was acting healthy and getting her antibiotics in her would only improve how she felt. We did not anticipate the virus she also picked up that would give her one of the worse fevers I have ever seen her with!!! So, it was an exhausting weekend -- but I wouldn't give it back for anything.

We had a wonderful trip down where everyone was playful in the car. We enjoyed a family dinner with Drew's parents at the Rusty Scupper (think seafood tourist trap restaurant). Enjoyed a beautiful walk with the kids up Federal Hill and shared a fascinating, rolling discussion with the kids about things that were around us. Got to go swimming in the hotel pool - which both of the children loved, and had fun touring the National Aquarium.

The kids were refusing to sleep together in the queen size bed. So, we built a pillow barrier down the middle. Upon its completion, Charlotte crashed hard. Ben was still awake, and wanting to enjoy how beautiful the city lights were. He asked that we leave the curtains on the window open. He also happened to be snacking on grapes. I fell asleep with a smile on my face thinking of him as a Grecian Royal, propped up on his pillows, snacking on grapes and viewing the city lights. No sooner had he fallen asleep that Charlotte sat bolt up in bed in a complete panic -- trying to figure out where all the lights had come from and where she was. It was interesting to see how differently they reacted to the same stimuli (granted Charlotte woke up to see the lights -- and she is 3 year younger), but I think the story captures where they both are in their development and comfort with the world.
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