Friday, May 8, 2009


Charlotte lives for three things: Basketball, Chocolate and Music. (No idea what order those go in formally -- so I alphabetized them to be safe.)

Last year for her birthday her Granddaddy gave her a gift card to Toys 'R Us. I took her when I could schedule at least an hour for her to walk around and explore and pick something she really wanted. She -- no kidding -- touched EVERY toy that was immediately front of her or below her. She didn't look up and didn't turn I figure she roughly touched 25% of the store. It was amazing.

Lots of things got a reaction -- but nothing brought the sincere and awe-inspired reaction that she had when she walked into the sporting goods section. She turned the corner and grabbed my arm, forcing me to stop and take in the scene.

Charlotte: MOM!

Mom: Yes Charlotte?

Charlotte: Do you see it?

Mom: See what Charlotte?

Charlotte: The baskie-ball hoop....

Mom: Oh! Yes, I do.

Charlotte: Isn't it lovely.

Needless to say, she loves to shoot hoops and this spring has really been heading out in the backyard every day (when its not raining) to shoot hoops. She also had two fantastic weekends when she was able to shoot with my brother Tim (who for those of you who don't know is 6'7" and also lives for shooting hoops) and talks about it incessantly.

Here are a few of her "early career" photos. Here's hoping that she doesn't lose her ability to love something this much as she gets older.


Charlotte: Mom. I can't decide what pets I want when I grow up.

Mom: That's okay Charlotte. You have a little while.


Charlotte: Okay. I've decided. I would like three pets: a dog, a fish and a duck.

Ben: Charlotte, you can't have a duck as a pet.

Charlotte: Why not?

Ben: Because they like to swim.

Charlotte: I will give him a pail of water.

Ben: He is going to want to swim around and get some exercise.

Charlotte: He can carry the pail and walk around.

Ben: A pail isn't big enough.

Charlotte: Well.....maybe I will just buy a house that has a pond.

Ben: Do you know what I would do if I had a duck? Pause..... I would pluck his feathers off. Skin him. Roast him. And Eat him.

Charlotte: BENNY! Don't eat my duck!!!!

Mom: Charlotte, when you grow up. If you go on NOT leave your duck in Ben's care.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

With great reverence...

Charlotte does everything with great deliberation...but this clip shows how much reverence she brings to "her music"

Friday, January 23, 2009


So...I have been inspired by my sister and bonus sister to get writing again. I don't know if anyone reads this...but I read theirs and enjoy it so here goes -- its only been 5 months right.

We have had an amazingly busy year with Ben in 2nd grade and Lolly finishing preschool. I finally got traction at work and am busier than ever, and Drew has transferred to a higher profile job in NYC - and is engaged and enthused about his work again. Its nice....but we are all so incredibly busy!

We did soccer for both of the kids this fall. It was fun if not a bit hectic to keep both of the kids on their different schedules. Ben was totally drawn to the game, had some natural skills -- and the biggest grin stretched across his face as he ran up and down the field. Here's proof:

Charlotte on the other hand had a different experience for soccer. Most 4 year-olds have an attention span of approximately 15-20 minutes. With this in mind our youngest kids soccer program is full of games that are used to help build ball handling skills. That did not suit Lolly... She was ready to rip 'em up and PLAY BALL! As evidenced here:

So, when they started playing games like Simon Says with their soccer balls, she was a bit perplexed. She quickly moved to full blown disgust when she witnessed the ridiculous behavior of PUTTING YOUR HEAD ON YOUR BALL!!! Can you hear her? She's saying, "YOU ARE SUCH LEMMINGS!!!"