Friday, May 8, 2009


Charlotte lives for three things: Basketball, Chocolate and Music. (No idea what order those go in formally -- so I alphabetized them to be safe.)

Last year for her birthday her Granddaddy gave her a gift card to Toys 'R Us. I took her when I could schedule at least an hour for her to walk around and explore and pick something she really wanted. She -- no kidding -- touched EVERY toy that was immediately front of her or below her. She didn't look up and didn't turn I figure she roughly touched 25% of the store. It was amazing.

Lots of things got a reaction -- but nothing brought the sincere and awe-inspired reaction that she had when she walked into the sporting goods section. She turned the corner and grabbed my arm, forcing me to stop and take in the scene.

Charlotte: MOM!

Mom: Yes Charlotte?

Charlotte: Do you see it?

Mom: See what Charlotte?

Charlotte: The baskie-ball hoop....

Mom: Oh! Yes, I do.

Charlotte: Isn't it lovely.

Needless to say, she loves to shoot hoops and this spring has really been heading out in the backyard every day (when its not raining) to shoot hoops. She also had two fantastic weekends when she was able to shoot with my brother Tim (who for those of you who don't know is 6'7" and also lives for shooting hoops) and talks about it incessantly.

Here are a few of her "early career" photos. Here's hoping that she doesn't lose her ability to love something this much as she gets older.

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