Sunday, February 4, 2007

Lolly's Head Band

Momentous occasion idea what happened - but Charlotte has suddenly decided she likes her headband and wants to wear it and show it off. A true testament to the fact that children are such an amazing demonstration of "things change". (Particularly, since she would scream like we were sticking her with a hot poker if we put it on her head, rip it off and throw it as hard and far as she could.)
From Cuddle Bear

One of the wise people in our life pointed out in reference to the enormous battery of tools we had scattered about our home to help comfort our infant children -- that if we tried something and the baby didn't like it, wait...and try it again in a couple more weeks. For example, Ben's first reaction to the swing was sheer terror. We let it rest and a few weeks later tried it again - a Viola! Completely mesmerized baby boy.

So, here are a few photos of Lolly that are an illustration, to me, of the everchanging nature we all embody.
From Cuddle Bear

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